Bash Completion

Working with claw can get quite verbose at times due to long descriptive configuration and blueprint names and many options that may be passed as arguments.

This is why properly configuring your bash environment to autocomplete claw commands is highly recommended. Really, highly recommended, don’t skip this part even if you’re feeling lazy.


If you use virtualenvwrapper, a clean solution to have autocomplete only available when running inside the Cloudify related virtualenv, would be to add it to the virtualenv postactivate script, like this:

$ cdvirtualenv
$ ${EDITOR} bin/postactivate

Next, add the following to the postactivate script:

eval "$(register-python-argcomplete claw)"

Plain Bash

If you don’t use virtualenvwrapper, consider using it. It’s great.

If you’re still not persuaded, put something like this in your ~/.bashrc:

if command -v register-python-argcomplete > /dev/null 2>&1; then
    eval "$(register-python-argcomplete claw)"

Verify It Works

Open a new shell, activate or workon your virtualenv, type claw, hit tab twice (three times if you typed claw with no space) and you should be seeing something like this:

$ claw <TAB> <TAB>
--help               cdconfiguration      deploy               generate-script      status
-h                   cleanup              generate             init                 teardown
bootstrap            cleanup-deployments  generate-blueprint   script               undeploy