Generate Files

There may be times when you don’t want claw to do the actual bootstrap or deployment process for you, but you do want it to generate the initial files for you.

Maybe because the system test you are working on performs the bootstrap. Maybe you need to make some complex modifications that are not catered by the override mechanism. Maybe you just like having more control on the process.

For whatever reason it may be, claw comes with two commands that will generate manager and regular blueprints for you. These commands are claw generate and claw generate-blueprint.


Under the hood, when you run claw bootstrap and claw deploy, claw uses the same generate, and generate-blueprint commands.

Generate Manager Blueprints

To generate a manager blueprint based on a handler configuration, run:

$ claw generate CONFIGURATION_NAME

The previous command will generate all the files in a directory located at $CLAW_HOME/configurations/CONFIGURATION_NAME as described in Bootstrap and Teardown.

claw generate accepts the same flags as claw bootstrap. These are described in Bootstrap and Teardown.

Generate Blueprints

To generate a blueprint based on a blueprint configuration, within a handler configuration based environment, run:


The previous command will generate all the files in a directory located at $CLAW_HOME/configurations/CONFIGURATION_NAME/blueprints/BLUEPRINT_NAME as described in Deploy and Undeploy.

Reset Configuration

All commands accept a --reset flag that will remove the current configuration directory. Use with care.